How to Get Rid Armadillos

What is Armadillos

An armadillo is a small to medium-sized mammal known for its unique appearance and behavior. They belong to the family Dasypodidae and are native to the Americas, primarily found in regions of North, Central, and South America. Armadillos are notable for their distinctive armor-like skin, which is made up of a series of bony plates covered by tough, leathery skin.

Key characteristics of armadillos include:

  1. Armor-like Skin: The most recognizable feature of armadillos is their protective covering. Their bony plates, called scutes, are embedded in their skin and provide a certain level of defense against predators.
  2. Claws and Digging: Armadillos have strong claws on their front feet, which they use for digging burrows and searching for food. They are excellent diggers and use their claws to unearth insects, grubs, and other small animals from the soil.
  3. Nocturnal Behavior: Many armadillo species are primarily active at night (nocturnal). This behavior helps them avoid daytime predators and reduce exposure to high temperatures.

How to Get Rid Armadillos Effectively

  1. Identify the Problem: It’s important to accurately identify the animal causing the issue on your property. Armadillos are unique in appearance, with their bony plates covering their body and their tendency to dig and burrow. They have small eyes and sharp claws. If you’re unsure, you could consult local wildlife resources or experts to confirm the presence of armadillos.
  2. Evaluate the Situation: Determine the extent of the problem. Are the armadillos causing significant damage to your property or posing a threat to your safety? Sometimes, armadillos might only be passing through your property without causing much harm. In such cases, you might decide that no action is needed.
  3. Fencing: To keep armadillos out of your property, you can install a fence. Choose a fence that is at least 3 feet high and preferably extends several inches underground to prevent the armadillos from burrowing underneath. Bury the bottom of the fence at least 12-18 inches deep.
  4. Remove Food Sources: Armadillos are attracted to insects and grubs in your lawn. You can reduce their food supply by applying insecticides or using natural methods to control the insect population. Regularly mow your lawn and keep it well-maintained, as armadillos prefer areas with tall grass.
  5. Modify the Environment: Armadillos like hiding in dense vegetation. By trimming shrubs, bushes, and other plantings near your home, you make the area less appealing to them. Removing leaf piles and other debris can also discourage them from making your property their home.
  6. Repellents: There are various commercial armadillo repellents available. These often contain strong-smelling substances that armadillos find unpleasant. Some repellents contain ingredients like castor oil, predator urine, or garlic. However, the effectiveness of these repellents can vary, and armadillos might become accustomed to the smell over time.

Armadillos Bait and Trapping

Armadillo bait typically refers to food or attractants used to lure armadillos into traps. Armadillos are often considered pests in some areas due to their digging habits, which can damage lawns and gardens. To trap armadillos, you can use bait that appeals to their sense of smell and taste. Some common armadillo baits include:

  1. Worms and Insects: Armadillos are insectivores, so using live insects like worms, crickets, or beetles can be effective in attracting them to traps.
  2. Fruits: Armadillos also eat fruits like berries, melons, and bananas. You can use sliced or mashed fruits as bait.
  3. Canned Cat or Dog Food: The strong smell of canned cat or dog food can attract armadillos. Place a small amount inside the trap as bait.
  4. Fish: Fishy-smelling baits like canned fish or fish parts can be effective in attracting armadillos.
  5. Peanut Butter: The strong aroma of peanut butter can be enticing to armadillos. Smear a bit of peanut butter on a surface inside the trap.
  6. Mealworms: Live or dried mealworms are another option, as they are a popular food for insectivorous animals.

When setting up a trap, make sure it’s secure and designed to safely contain the armadillo once it’s caught. Always check local regulations before attempting to trap or relocate armadillos, as laws can vary from place to place. If you’re dealing with persistent armadillo problems, it might be a good idea to consult with local wildlife authorities or pest control professionals for guidance.

Trapping should be a last resort and may require a permit in some areas. If you choose to trap armadillos, follow these steps:

  • Use live traps specifically designed for armadillos.
  • Place the trap in an area where armadillos are active or along their burrow paths.
  • Bait the trap with insects, worms, or other food.
  • Check the trap frequently (at least once a day) to minimize stress on trapped animals.
  • Release trapped armadillos far from your property, preferably in a wooded or natural habitat.
  • Make sure you follow local regulations regarding trapping and releasing wildlife.

Professional Help: Finally, if your attempts to manage armadillos are unsuccessful or if you’re dealing with a persistent problem, it’s wise to seek assistance from a professional wildlife removal service. These experts have the knowledge and tools to handle the situation safely and ethically while adhering to local laws and regulations.

Remember that while armadillos can be a nuisance, they are also part of the local ecosystem. Whenever possible, try to find solutions that minimize harm to the animals and follow the guidelines set by your local wildlife management authorities.

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